The Greatest Name
The calligraphy written in the center has great spiritual significance and reads “Yá Bahá’u’l-’Abhá!” (”!يا بهاء الأبهى”) meaning “O Thou the Glory of the Most Glorious!”
This exquisite design was adapted from a drawing by the architect of the Bahá’í House of Worship in North America, Louis Bourgeois. I had the opportunity to paint the design on the interior ceiling dome of the Bahá’í Center in Portland, Oregon. Photos are shown here in the additional product images.
Sharing Cards – Easy to take along and fun to give away!
Not available as magnets
Wall Prints – Illuminate a whole room!
Our recycled items of 100% post consumer fiber have a matte finish making it possible for you to write on their reverse sides. All other items are on more durable pearl finish photo paper.
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